Saturday, March 9, 2013

"Give And Take"

Give nothing
And take my time
Give me space
To clear my mind
Cause I won't give
What takes a toll
Unless there's give
And take to show

I give my best
To what takes trust
I won't give another
Moment rushed
To what gives heartache
And takes my soul
You give such bitterness
It takes ahold

So leave me
Leave me
To my own mind
I don't need
Second opinions this time
Leave me
The way you found me
It's better off
Than with a thief in your home

Give yourself
To take instead
You give so many things
With so much self-intent
Give it up
Takes guts to leave
What you've given so much
Take flight to find you're free

So leave me
Leave me
To my own mind
I don't need
Second opinions this time
Leave me
The way you found me
It's better off
Than with a thief in your home

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